Track your order

Track shipments easily

Track shipment: Your overview of the order

At Warmaiden and Berserk, we attach great importance to ensuring that your order reaches you safely and quickly. That's why we offer you a convenient shipment tracking service that allows you to check the status of your delivery at any time. With the Shipment Tracking function, you can keep track of everything, from the forge to your doorstep.

As soon as your order has been shipped, you will receive a confirmation email with a tracking number and a link to track your shipment. With just one click, you can see the current location of your shipment and the estimated delivery date. This way, you always know where your handmade products are and when you can expect them to arrive. Our Track Shipment feature is easy to use and gives you the peace of mind that your order is on the right track.

We only work with reliable shipping providers to ensure that your ordered items arrive on time and undamaged. In our tracking section you have the opportunity to track your delivery in real time so that there are no surprises. The status of your shipment is updated regularly so that you always have the latest information.

If there are any delays or any uncertainty regarding the status, our customer service will be happy to help you. Do not hesitate to contact us - we will help you quickly and easily. Our goal is to offer you a smooth shopping experience where you feel well looked after all round.

By offering the option to track your shipment, we want to offer you maximum transparency and security. We know that our handmade products are of particular value to you, and therefore we ensure that you are always informed exactly where your order is.

Enjoy a stress-free shopping experience at Warmaiden and Berserk and keep an eye on the status of your order at all times. So you can sit back and relax while your unique items are on their way to you. With our shipment tracking service, we make the shipping process as pleasant as possible!